Monday, June 15, 2009

Terence Bolden speaks at Clinton School of Public Service (Part 1 of 2)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Gardening & Wholistic Living: June 6, 2009

Join us on KABF 88.3 FM Radio or, June 6, 2009 12 noon to 1:00 pm. with Susanne Fortune of Tallahassee, FL as she discusses her Sanctuary Garden and Carl Jackson of Little Rock as he discussed Bayard Rustin and promotes documentary at Central High School Historic Musem!

Have you ever wondered about Gardens and the value they bring to our communities and environment? Why are some gardens more beautiful than others and more helathy than others? We have some great garden experts and lovers that will really rock your socks off!

The federal goverment is really moving towards sustainable community food sources and gardens as a way to lessen the need to transport fresh vegetables and fruit. This is evidenced by the huge amount of funding in the stimulus and annual budget to jump start these efforts. Amid rising fuel costs and threatened water supplies is a need to lessen the impact of the national stress caused by these two competing dynamics. As the nation is forced to become less dependent on foreign oil and find alternative fuel sources, why not encourage the use of abandoned properties and land plots or lots that are vacant? If water shortages are real and we know this to be a fact, why not find ways to reduce water usage, preserve our water resources and utilize the land that we have in more creative and beneficial ways to our communities where we live? It is a no brainer- well as least you would think so, but we need our brains to be turned on here. If we continue on this unsustainable path of destructive and next generation environmental and planetary suicide, there will be no water or land worth preserving or using!

It is time to plant it on the planet, so let's get busy learning about community gardens and their role in wholistic living. It's not just as slogan, it is a way of life if we want to leave planet earth better than we found it for our children and grand children. That may not be possible with the way we have trashed the earth, the enviroment and polluted the air and contaminated the waters.

Climate change and other issues are real and threaten our very survival. Join us this week as we explore ways to help make this world a better place if we can. We just need to reach out, reach out and touch somebody's hand. So, turn on your radio to KABF 88.3 FM, community radio- "The Voice of the People Heard Around the World!" Every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon for community issues and historical perspectives and from 12 noon to 1:00 pm for our "GreenandClean It" hour. You must tune in to not tune out at on the world wide web.

T L Bryant Bolden
Host of Educational Perspectives Radio Show