Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gardening in the dead of winter....

Susanne's Garden Moments will broadcast this Saturday, December 5th at 1:00-2:00 EST. The show is under the umbrella (cute huh?) of The Educational Perspective Hour/Clean and Green. I like that too.

This week's show is Gardening in the dead of winter and even though that may sound alittle impossible, it is very possible because Susanne's Garden Moments is mostly about moments. We all have them, right?

Susanne has a guest this week. Her name is Hattie Elloitt and at 93 years old Hattie will share some of her "moments" growing up gardening and picking. (Hattie received the first Square Foot Garden that Susanne built and planted with the help of friends Danielle and Paul.)

I know listeners will love Hattie. I do. Hattie can give us a report about her Square Foot Garden and the tasty vegetables she has cooked and shared with her family. I hope listeners will be able to hear the respect, love, admiration that Hattie and I have developed over the last couple of months. We have a common thread in our love for gardening, actually we have more. Both of us are quite "spirited".

What else? Susanne plans to talk about gardening during the winter in a couple other topics such as: 1.) Talking about her thrill for leaves especially in the winter, 2.) Sharing about her alternative plan for a Christmas tree this year and 3.) As always she will put in alittle (or big) plug in for the recycling bin.

Sound good? Susanne hopes you will turn in just to listen and meet Hattie. What a delight. I think Saturday's show will be one of those "moments". Please join Susanne and Hattie this Saturday at 1:00 - 2:00 pm EST.


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